Monday, March 26, 2012

Can't believe it has been so long since I last posted. So much has changed. Our whole house has gotten an overhaul and I have changed doctors. Dear friend who also has Lyme told me about doctor here in Florida. Had first appt couple weeks ago and starting new treatment. That means 3 new meds and tons of new supplements. Will be another uproad battle since new meds mean herxes. Been there and done that many times so will get through it. Had first acupuncture treatment and really interested in doing the Rife machine. Either at the DR office or if we buy one ourselves for home use. Have a lot of hope for this new treatment and at least my diarrhea is gone. Yay!! Hope to log in and document all my herx symptoms and anything odd that pops up.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Not too great today

Had a very fun and full weekend. The runs are back full board. I don't understand what I am doing wrong? I hate having to call Dr again and say 3rd antibiotic isn't gonna cut it either. But it is at the 2wk mark and I am weak and not feeling good. Just want to close my eyes and go back to bed. Not sure if I should stop the meds all together then start back after vacation. Feel like I really need to clear this mess up. Probably should get to Publix and get more yogurt. Blah lol

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Well another med I can not take

Had to stop taking the azithromycin as the severe stomach cramps and diarrhea were unbearable. I just think I will not be able to take any drug with mycin. I really am leary about taking anything other than the doxy right now. Give my stomach some time off. Also weaning off my blood pressure med. The doctor that I was seeing to get that med I no longer see and quite frankly do not care to see anymore doctors other than my Lyme dr. Going to try and manage it with diet and supplements. Hoping I am doing the right thing. Otherwise feel ok and going to try to get back to walking this week.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Thought I was on upward swing?

Had a break from the stomach pain and runs for a day and a half then they came back with a vengeance. I wonder if it is from milk? I made mac n cheese yesterday and we also had frozen yogurt. I can't figure out what else it was from unless it was from beer? I am just so weak and tired from all this. And burning up. All the time. I know it is summer but before taking all these meds I was freezing all the time. haha. Why can't I have a nice normal temp not the two extremes? Ah well. Had a bad night last night and hoping that I can get a nap this afternoon.

Monday, June 27, 2011

New meds for me yippee

Well the trip up north to my LLMD went off without a hitch. Flew by myself, rented a car and drove from Ohio to PA all by my little self! And I didn't get lost. But the credit goes to God and the GPS. Told hubs we needed one for my truck. I plan on traveling up there by myself starting next year and it would make me feel tons safer. Anywho seems I tested positive on the IGG test. I think this test I actually will be counted for in my state towards person who has lyme. I could totally be mistaken but anyway this is 3rd test that says I have Lyme so pretty safe to say I really have it hahahaha. But the good news is no co infections which is really unheard of with Lyme. I am so thankful believe me!

I have been put on 250mg Azithromycin twice a day along with still being on Doxycycline at 200mg twice a day. No side effects so far. Think I am herxing from the Azith. Have rash back on stomach and horrible stomach pains. Really hope that goes away. I really need to get back to walking daily on treadmill. I have been so sick for many months that it is hard to even get up out of bed or the couch. But here is to upward and onward!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Pain is very bad

I have had neck and shoulder issues in past but they have really flared up since I have started back with the antibiotics. Was reading tonight how pain between shoulder blades and beneath shoulder blades is a typical toxin storage place. Yipee for me. But also that pain in this area can be from gall bladder. Good grief. It feels so inflamed right now. The shoulder that is. I hope that I can sleep some. I am exhausted.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Stomach pains from hell oi vey!

Good grief. Been up and down all night with horrible stomach pains. Also alternating between hot and cold sweats. Wake up still sick at stomach and eyes hurt. Eyelids are swollen. Yipee. That was something that had gone away but now is back. I expect all the weird symptoms to come back as I am herxing. It is to be expected and I am trying not to get discouraged. I have a life to live and I have things to do but all I want to do is sleep from this bone crushing fatigue. I pray to God to get me through today and protect me as I travel around town running my errands. Amen!